The Bioabundance Community Interest Company

campaigns to secure a safe future where we can thrive within the natural world


I want you to act as if the house is on fire, because it is.
I started striking from school on August 20th 2018 ahead of the Swedish general election. It has now been 6 years since then, and a new election is on its way. We are still here, but the climate crisis is still absent from the debate.
Greta Thunberg
"If you really think the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money".
Dr Guy McPherson
Anyone who believes in infinite growth on a finite planet is either mad or an economist
Sir David Attenborough

What do we demand!

We face wholesale destruction of our natural places, our Green Belt, and our Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Government forces us to Build, Build, Build, everywhere.

We Demand:

1. A Zero Carbon Oxfordshire,

2. Nature Restored,

3. Homes for Need, not Greed!



We need to restore nature in Oxfordshire to the best state it has been in since the 1950s
Dr Sue Roberts
It grieves me a lot to see this erosion of the Green Belt, a precious thing. When it’s gone it is gone
Prof Dieter Helm

We need your help!

We are a grassroots community of residents, nature-lovers, ecologists, planners, architects, and parish councils.  

Join our mailing list to help us influence the National and Local Planners to force them to achieve net zero by 2050 and to conserve our Natural Environment. We need your help to apply Political Pressure and take Action in the Courts.


Credit: Henry and James Manisty

Latest updates

Environment Agency slams plans for development North of Bayswater Brook

The Environment Agency objects in principle to the proposed development as it falls within a flood risk vulnerability category that is inappropriate to the Flood Zone(s) in which the application site is located. They do not have enough information to be satisfied that the proposed development can meet requirements for...


Response by a Bioabundance member the Joint South and Vale Local Plan

“The Vision needs a stronger indication of the connection between people’s wellbeing and the wider flourishing of the natural environment and to emphasise that this needs to be planned for. Furthermore, that this is not a matter of just protecting a few special sites but requires positive action across the...

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