Category: General Updates

Help us to stop Oxford City’s Inflated Housing Plans which will impact the whole County.

Oxford City Council is planning to build many more houses than the Government figures suggest. Oxford City’s inflated housing need becomes Oxfordshire’s problem when Planning Inspectors can force District Councils to build to meet Oxford City’s inflated housing aspirations. Please write to your District and County Councilors to resist the consequences of this – lots of […]

Deep Sea Mining Moratorium

The UK has just announced their support for a moratorium on deep sea mining. [1] This is a huge win for our oceans and is down to people like you across the country – and the world – taking action. But the work to protect our oceans is far from done. The UK is yet […]

Super National Nature Park for Oxfordshire

We propose a 100 sq mile Regional Nature Park (RNP) for inclusion in Oxfordshire Plan 2050. It is 14 by 7 miles, half in Oxfordshire, the rest in Buckinghamshire. It includes Otmoor, the Upper Ray wetlands and the Bernwood-Stowood-Shotover ancient forests, meadows and heaths. The Oxfordshire section holds a quarter of our county’s nationally important […]

Please tell MPs and Councillors that you care about their Climate Action

It is up to us as members of the electorate to convince our national and local politicians that climate action equals votes. “When it comes to the climate and ecological crisis, we have solid unequivocal scientific evidence of the need for change. The problem is, all that evidence puts the current best available science on […]

Global Ocean Treaty

This is huge! After years of campaigning and a tense final week of negotiations, world leaders have put aside their differences and finally secured a historic Global Ocean Treaty. This puts us on a path to potentially save our oceans from the brink of disaster. Can you take a moment to watch and share this […]

Companies Failing to Set and Meet Emission Targets

Tortoise Net Zero reports: Less than half of FTSE 100 companies are on track to meet their emissions reductions targets, Companies are coming under growing pressure from investors, consumers and regulators to prepare for the transition to net zero. But while some of the UK’s biggest companies have grasped the need for change, far too […]

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